How our Chaplin Quality Management System began
The Chaplin Quality Management System was initially developed in alignment with the increasing quality standard of some of our customers. Our Quality Management System has continually evolved to meet the rising expectations of our customers.
The Chaplin Quality Management System is registered by QMI SAI Global to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The scope of registration includes the mining, processing, and delivery of anhydrous sodium sulphate.

How the Chaplin Quality Management System works
The Chaplin Quality Management System annually audits and documents the control, monitoring, training, and other activities that must occur to meet the standard requirements. The intent is to ensure that customer requirements are known and met, and to ensure that the Quality Management System continues to improve.
Why we’re proud of this system
This system is the reason we deliver the world-class sodium sulphate that our customers have come to expect from us. Our Quality Management System’s annual auditing ensures that quality never dips, letting our customers know our system meets a defined set of rigorous standards — each and every time. And this knowledge provides assurance for our valued existing, new and potential customers.
Kosher is the term used to describe a substance that is in compliance with the Kashrut of Jewish dietary laws. The Kosher Certificate for the anhydrous sodium sulphate produced at Chaplin indicates a status of Pareve Passover. As sodium sulphate is not regarded as a food, the Kashrut requirements pertaining to rituals and permissible foods are not directly applicable.
The Kosher Certification is required primarily because sodium sulphate is used in dishwasher detergents that come in direct contact with items used to cook, serve, and consume food. As a result, process additives and process equipment cannot contain any amount of non permissible substances.